Family Spotlight: Tim Cheng


Hi APCC family! I'm Tim and I've been attending APCC since early 2017. I was born and raised in Maryland and moved to NoVa after graduating from the University of Maryland in 2015 (go Terps!). I work as a software engineer but also enjoy teaching piano in my spare time. I love playing basketball, tennis, and working out with my friends. My biggest weaknesses are sushi and ice cream, and I'm constantly on the lookout for new flavors to try.

This past week's sermon on John 4 about Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well was a beautiful reminder of Jesus' love for the lowly and hurting. It's so easy living in this area in my 20's to put my hope in a good career, finances, or reputation, but I'm learning that those things only satisfy temporarily. This thirst that I have deep down for acceptance is only met in my relationship with Jesus. He will quench my deepest longings for peace and joy because He already accepted me into His family. My desire is to grow to treasure God's Word and get to know Him better alongside my brothers and sisters in this community.


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